Back Pain Treatment

If you are experiencing back pain from an accident or a condition, the discomfort can affect your mobility and overall quality of life. At Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic in Manhattan, KS, we offer chiropractic care to alleviate the pain and improve your health. Prior to visiting us, learn more about the benefits of chiropractic treatments below:


Chiropractic Care for Back Pain

Chiropractic care can be highly beneficial for back pain. Some of these advantages include:

  • Regular Adjustments — Regular adjustments are important and can help reduce your back pain. With a chiropractic adjustment, we can manipulate various joints along your spine to increase your mobility and prevent the discomfort from reoccurring.
  • Improved Posture Back pain can often occur due to poor posture. When our chiropractors perform chiropractic adjustments, we can improve your posture and eliminate back pain. When your posture is improved, it can lower the chances of back pain from returning. 
  • Non-invasive Treatment — Chiropractic care is non-invasive and does not require medication or surgery. Not only that, but treatments can also offer long-term pain relief and don’t have adverse side effects.
  • Headache and Migraine Relief — Chronic headaches and migraines can develop from back pain and a misaligned spine. Chiropractic treatments may relieve the intensity and frequency of headaches and migraines in addition to back pain.
  • Improved Range of Motion — One of the primary goals of chiropractic care is to relieve muscle tension, which can improve your mobility. Even after one chiropractic session, most patients notice an increase in range of motion. As a result, your performance will also be improved in sports or daily activities.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

Living with back pain can be hard and challenging, however, chiropractic care can help you enjoy a pain-free life. At Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic in Manhattan, KS, we offer various treatments to relieve your discomfort, including decompression therapy, massage therapy, and prenatal chiropractic care. To learn more about our wide range of services or to schedule your initial consolation, contact us at (785) 776-7568 today. Our team looks forward to helping you with your recovery process!

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