Whiplash can cause debilitating neck pain and prevent you from completing tasks throughout the day. At Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic in Manhattan, KS, our team provides a variety of treatments to ease your discomfort and improve your overall health. Before visiting us for care, take a look at some frequently asked questions regarding whiplash below:

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when your head is forcefully moved back and forth. As a result, the muscles and tendons in the neck are hyperextended. While the injury often happens during an auto accident, it can also occur due to contact sports or rollercoaster rides.

What Are Some Symptoms of Whiplash?

If you have whiplash, you may exhibit various symptoms, including neck pain, stiffness, headaches, muscle weakness, and dizziness. Even if you are not experiencing any apparent symptoms, we recommend visiting our chiropractors for an evaluation.

Can Whiplash Heal Without Treatment?

While whiplash can sometimes heal on its own, it can also lead to chronic pain. You may have lingering symptoms until the root cause of the discomfort is addressed. Our chiropractors can identify what is causing your pain and provide treatment to help you feel your best.

What Treatments Can a Chiropractor Provide for Whiplash?

Our chiropractors can use a multitude of techniques to treat whiplash injuries. We may utilize chiropractic adjustments to eliminate any misalignments responsible for your symptoms.

Spinal decompression is another form of treatment a chiropractor may use. Like chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression can fix the misalignments in your musculoskeletal system. The gentle stretching involved in spinal decompression can also be useful for herniated discs.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

If you are experiencing any symptoms of whiplash, let our team at Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic in Manhattan, KS, help. After an assessment, we can create a personalized treatment to help you recover fully. To learn about our treatments or to schedule your initial consultation, contact our office at (785) 776-7568 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we look forward to assisting you!

Whiplash can cause debilitating neck pain and prevent you from completing tasks throughout the day. At Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic in Manhattan, KS, our team provides a variety of treatments to ease your discomfort and improve your overall health. Before visiting us for care, take a look at some frequently asked questions regarding whiplash below:

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when your head is forcefully moved back and forth. As a result, the muscles and tendons in the neck are hyperextended. While the injury often happens during an auto accident, it can also occur due to contact sports or rollercoaster rides.

What Are Some Symptoms of Whiplash?

If you have whiplash, you may exhibit various symptoms, including neck pain, stiffness, headaches, muscle weakness, and dizziness. Even if you are not experiencing any apparent symptoms, we recommend visiting our chiropractors for an evaluation.

Can Whiplash Heal Without Treatment?

While whiplash can sometimes heal on its own, it can also lead to chronic pain. You may have lingering symptoms until the root cause of the discomfort is addressed. Our chiropractors can identify what is causing your pain and provide treatment to help you feel your best.

What Treatments Can a Chiropractor Provide for Whiplash?

Our chiropractors can use a multitude of techniques to treat whiplash injuries. We may utilize chiropractic adjustments to eliminate any misalignments responsible for your symptoms.

Spinal decompression is another form of treatment a chiropractor may use. Like chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression can fix the misalignments in your musculoskeletal system. The gentle stretching involved in spinal decompression can also be useful for herniated discs.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

If you are experiencing any symptoms of whiplash, let our team at Sorell-Iversen Chiropractic Clinic in Manhattan, KS, help. After an assessment, we can create a personalized treatment to help you recover fully. To learn about our treatments or to schedule your initial consultation, contact our office at (785) 776-7568 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we look forward to assisting you!

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